A.M. in the ‘Hood

Paula E. Kirman
1 min readJun 23, 2021


Side of an old building in brownish particle board with a wooden staircase leading to a green staircase and a blue door.
Photo by the author.

Early morning chirping of sparrows drowned out by the screams of magpies while

sirens declare their mission down 95th Street as commuters slow down or pull over.

The familiar face of the statue in the park maintains its eerie glow between the tables and the trees that have grown to tower over the playground and create a local skyline of branches and leaves.

I stroll down the sidewalk on my way to caffeinated awakenings, passing bus stops and shelters; houses and cyclists; other pedestrians — we nod as we pass and give faint smiles and occasionally say hello, even if we are strangers.

These streets, these trees and sounds unite us: at this moment, later, tonight, and the next day. It is a bond of geography and circumstances and love.

The magpies and sirens grow quiet as I sip my latte and move along to my next appointment.

First place winner in the 2016 Inner City Poetry Contest in Edmonton, and was published in the chapbook Inner City Beat (June 2017). I also provided the photographs for the chapbook. You can download a full colour PDF of the book here.



Paula E. Kirman

A writer, editor, photographer, filmmaker, musician, digital storyteller, and community organizer in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She/Her. wordspicturesmusic.com